Sequel: Sapphire.
Status: Whoever reported me, I want you to know that I am not mad. If you have any problem at all with my story, minor or major, instead of reporting it, send me a message and let me know. I will not get mad. Thank you!

You Know Something's Not Right When the Good Girl has been to Hell

Chapter Fifteen: What a day for a blood-red wedding.

I still haven’t got over my shock five minutes later.
I was staring a Ash, who had now got down on one knee, looking expectantly at me.
Do I want to marry him?
Spend the rest of my life with him?
Have his children?
Watch them grow?
I know that I was technically made for him ,but do I want him to be the man that I spend the rest of eternity with?
Bear his children knowing that one day they will rule Hell?
Ash was beginning to doubt himself, his expression maybe smiling but his eyes displayed his doubts.
And for some strange reason that tore me apart.
I couldn’t be the one to tear him apart.
But what if I am not good enough?
What if he decides that he doesn’t want me sometime throughout the years?
What if I can’t give him a male heir?
What if I…
Shut up! My mind shouted at me, shocking me.
Why do you doubt yourself? He WANTS you, he NEEDS you and yet you keep him waiting with your doubts. Just say YES!
I know I maybe one weird person to listen to an inanimate part of my anatomy but I did.
That one word was so small and so insignificant in everyday life, but today it was the beginning of something new.
It was the beginning of my new life.
A new me.
Ash’s eyes had lit up and he swiftly swooped me up in his arms, kissing me soundly upon the lips.
He pulled back and murmured words that would freak out most people but they were Ash’s way of “I love you”.
“You are mine.”
And I am.


*Wedding Day*

The dress I wore was like that of a princess and when I twirled it twinkled like stars a midnight.
My hair was delicately curled about my bare shoulders, glistening golden brown.
I felt like Belle from Beauty in the Beast when she is in her flowing yellow gown.
I felt beautiful.
The delicate tones of the “Wedding March” drifted through the Gothic cathedral, echoing about the winding corridor into the lobby where I waited patiently.
“You ready, honey?” My father asked, taking my gloved elbow.
“Yes. Don’t let me fall.”
“I’ll catch you. Always.” He replied, smiling brightly at me.
He reached up and pulled the delicate gossamer veil over my face.
He kissed the clothe covering my cheek and turned, once again taking my elbow.
We turned toward the double doors that led into the cathedral.
That led to my future.
I took a deep breath for courage and we walked toward the doors, and waited for the guards to open them.
I gasped when I saw how many people were in the room, staring at me.
I wanted desperately to reach up and check my hair to see if it was messed up but I couldn’t.
The red bouquet in my arms and my father’s grip on my elbow wouldn’t allow it.
We were already halfway down the aisle, petals swirling before the mighty billows of my dress.
I saw Xavi in his white tux as my maid-of-honor, the tears spilling out of his eyes almost spurring my own.
I refused to cry. I would be strong and not cry.
Then I saw Ash.
He looked so good in his tux, the black matching well with his skin.
It clung to him, showing off his well formed body.
But that’s not what got to me.
It was the smile of pure joy that lit up his face.
I couldn’t help it, I began to cry, tears of joy, but tears none the less.
Ash walked gracefully down the two steps that led to the alter, stretching his hand out to me.
My father turned me just before we had reached Ash’s outstretched hand, turning me and gently kissing me on the cheek.
Tears glistened in his eyes but I did not mention them, I didn’t want to wound his pride.
Until I saw Lucifer who was bawling.
I smiled at him and started laughing.
Lucifer was…crying… at his son’s wedding.
By now I full out laughing and was receiving weird looks from the audience.
Ash looked confused for a moment then followed my gaze and chuckled, shaking his head.
My dad handed me over to Ash who was smiling in amusement.
“You’re beautiful.” he murmured in my ear.
“So are you.” I murmured slyly and he playfully glared at me.
I smiled innocently at him.
“Be careful what you say to me now, hubby, you just might find yourself on the couch.” I smiled evilly.
He looked like I just threatened his life.
Before he could reply the demon priest cleared his throat.
I glanced up at him and blushed.
“It’s fine child. I’ve known since he was a tyke and you are just what he needs to keep him in line.” He said mischievously.
“Your are the most evil priest I have ever met.” Ash muttered.
“We’re in Hell, boy, what do you expect.” The crowd erupted in laughter and I had to stifle my giggle.
Xavi was full out laughing beside me, his tail shaking with laughter.
I glanced up at my future hubby who was pouting and kissed him on the cheek.
“I didn’t tell you that you could do that yet!” The priest (found out that his name is really Father McCarthy) scolded me.
“Oops. I just couldn’t resist.” I smiled innocently at him.
He rolled his eyes.
“Let’s get to the ceremony, shall we?”
“We shall.”
He took a deep breath and began.
“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today…”
(A/N: I actually love the entire ceremony but I am unable to remember it all.)
“Do you, Ash Diavolo, take Elizabeth Alexander to be your lawful wedded wife to have and behold from this day on, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?” (A/N: Don’t you just love the invention of Google?)
“I do.”
*Repeat just said but Switch the names.*
“I do.”
The rings were exchanged.
“I now pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss the bride.”
Ash lifted the veil, murmuring, “Never hide your face from me again.” and leaned down, capturing my lips.
I was now Mrs. Ash Diavolo.
Elizabeth Diavolo.
It’s got a nice ring to it, don’t it?
♠ ♠ ♠
Awe. I am sorry to say that I am almost through with this one. I have a few more chapters in me but do not stop believing in me. My loyal fans, there will be a sequel so do not fret.
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