Status: Update when I can

Red Is for Traitor

Acting Alright Doesn't Mean I Am

I managed to throw my left elbow back to brace myself and Zane from fully falling over. In the process my hood fell back and I somehow managed to have my skirt not ride up too much. I winced as I sat up and crossed my legs, Zane curling up to fit in the space. His arms wrapped around me as his face buried into my chest. I sharply inhaled at the pain that shot through me from his iron grip. "Zane." I whispered partially to get his attention and partially because I could not breathe. He looked up with tears running down his face. "Lighten up your grip please, you are a growing wolf while I am a slightly fragile human."
He immediately released me before fisting the front of my shirt. "Mak, I'm sorry. It's all my fault. You taken because of me and left behind and," He scented me letting out a whine. "Now you're hurt. You smell hurt. More hurt than when they hanged you." He looked up and cocked his head. "You have short hair."
Slightly amused by his distraction. "I do."
He started pouting again. "It's because of me. You have hair because I ran away. And you smell funny. You don't smell like us. MAK!" He once again buried his face in my shirt .
"You know how you can make all this up to me?" His head shot up and his eyes grew big. "Walk with me to Dr. Pent." I started wiping under his eyes. "You are right I am hurt, but it should not be serious. I want the doctor to look at it though. Will you escort me to his house?" Zane nodded, rubbed his damp cheek to mine, and got up. I looked up as I stood. "You do not need me at the moment do you?"
"No, go see the doctor and if we need you for anything we shall find you." Corbin looked at me sternly knowing that I made the situation seem a lot less painful than it was.
"I will see everyone later. It was a pleasure traveling with you." I smiled at the Bear Brook pack before turning to Zane. "Shall we?" Zane took my hand and together we walked to the doctor's house. We were stopped quite a few times by wolves and villagers to talk to me, but eventually we did make it to the house.
"Dr. Pent!" Zane called as he pushed the door open and dragged me inside. "Dr. Pent, Mak needs you to look at her!"
"Miss Macha?" The doctor questioned as he turned the corner. He nearly dropped the cup he was drying when he saw me. "Miss Macha!"
"Hello doctor." I smiled tiredly.
"Please sit. Zane, please go get a pitcher of water." The pup dashed off to do his duty. "While he is gone please tell me what is hurting."
I started panting from the pain in my body. "My ribs are hurting. They are bruised from my time with the hunters. My neck hurts from the collar but we need a blacksmith in order to take it off. I have cuts in different stages of healing all over."
"Take off your cloak." I did as I was told and he started carefully looking at the collar around my neck. "They melted the clasp. Can a wolf not rip it?"
"Probably, but the collar is made for a wolf. They cannot touch it for it was made with silver. Zane's neck should have shown what happens when a wolf wears this."
The doctor nodded in remembrance. "Why are you wearing it then. It should have no effect on you."
"Because I helped a wolf escape. Like the cloak it symbolizes I helped one."
Dr. Pent shook his head as Zane walked in. The pup nearly dropped the pitcher when his eyes landed on the collar. "Mak, you has collar."
I nodded. "Come here." I patted the space next to me and waited as he gave the pitcher to the doctor and then crawled next to me. "It does not hurt okay? It only hurts wolves and since I am not one I am fine. Please do not worry about it Zane, I am fine."
"You smell like you hurt." He protested quietly.
"I have some bruises, but the collar does not hurt me." Zane nodded and curled up next to me as Dr. Pent cleaned all the exposed cuts and bruises.
Corbin walked in as my legs were being cleaned. "Hello Macha."
"Hello Corbin." I winced when the doctor swiped a long scrape on my shin.
"Would you mind telling me what happened? I heard from a few of the kidnapped, but I would also like your side of the story."
I tilted my head and found it strange that my hair barely shifted at the movement. "We were kidnapped, bound, and thrown in the back of two wagons. We were given some food and water, but besides that we sat and waited to arrive at the destination. One afternoon stop I talked with... my informant and we devised a plan to help Zane escape."
"Why would he want Zane to get away?"
"An angry parent wolf in search of his pup? Sindri would have had the mind of a regular wolf and self abandonment of a rabid, that is a terrifying combination. My informant did not want to deal with that while I did not want any of you going crazy about Zane. So when we stopped that night I kicked a guard and together Zane and I ran. He shifted and made a clean get away since wolves even as pups run faster than humans and I was unsurprisingly captured. After that they watched me like a hawk, I was not allowed near the other villagers, and I was physically kept in line." I gave him a hard look that I knew he would understand. "When we entered the Bear Brook Territory the pack came to our rescue. We spent a few days with them and then made the journey here."
"And your hair and the... collar?"
"They did not want me hiding something in it." I shrugged. "It is similar in symbolism as the cloak. I helped a werewolf therefore they were going to show the world I did."
"The blue marks on your eye?"
"That?" I smiled. "I saved one of the Bear Brook pack wolves and they honored me with it. I am officially an ally of their pack now."
"Thank you. Anything else?" I shook my head. "Zane, we need to head back to the Den." The pup opened his mouth to protest, but Corbin raised his hand. "We need to tell your Poppa and Arawn that Macha is back and you have practice with Grandma."
Zane looked torn between telling his father and not leaving my side. "Go Zane, I will come and visit when I can. I am not leaving the village."
"Promise?" He asked me seriously.
"Okay. I be back later." He stood up on the bed, rubbed his cheek to mine, and hugged me gently. "Bye Mak! Bye Dr. Pent."
"Bye Zane." I smiled while Dr. Pent waved without looking up.
"Now that he is gone." The doctor stood up and walked over to a trunk. "I want you to put these pants on."
"I want to see those bruises of yours." I nodded. He turned around while I slipped on the trousers and tied them off. As I was untying my belt and slipping off the top tunic, Dr. Pent walked over to me. "Shirt up please." Taking a breath, I rolled up my shirt to just below my breasts. "Macha!" I looked down to see my torso green, yellow, and some blue and red. "How did this happen?"
I hesitated and let out a sigh. "I was beaten daily after Zane escaped. With my wrists tied up above my head they would punch me or use a stick." My voice lowered as my eyes shut. "I nearly died. If the pack had not found me I would not have survived."
"Why did you not tell Alpha Corbin just now?"
"What good would that have done? We are not going to win this war if we try to wipe out the Hunters. The wolves will continue to try and kill every hunter they come across, especially if they are tainted by the knowledge that I was abused. That mindset must be stopped if we want peace to return."
"I understand, but they should know about this."
"I am bruised and have a few cracked ribs, it is nothing serious."
"It can be, Macha. You said yourself you almost died."
"But I did not and I am fine now. I would appreciate it if as my doctor you did not disclose my injured state to anyone."
Dr. Pent sighed, "You know I will not, it is against my code as a doctor."
"Thank you. May I put my shirt down?"
"In a moment, I may not be able to magically heal you but I can help. I have some salves that will help with the pain." He went to a cabinet for a sage colored cream. He took his time spreading it over my ribs and stomach. I cringed at times when he moved over sensitive spots due to my ribs. "Let me see your wrists." He requested after gently wrapping my torso. When I showed him, he nodded at how they were healing. "Anywhere else?"
"Would you mind putting some of that salve on my neck, the collar is irritating it?" He nodded and began rubbing the cool mixture on my skin. I lifted the leather and silver as high as I could trying not to panic at having the metal press against my throat.
"Alright, you may take of the pants or keep them on, it is up to you." The doctor turned to replace the salve and wash his hands.
"Thank you for helping me." I easily slipped off the material and began redressing. He waved me off with a smile and watched as I walked back out into the village.
Some of the villagers came up to me, welcomed me back, and asked how I was. Some gave me strange looks and tried not to comment on my hair or the few bruises that were left behind. When the Bear Brook pack were free some ended up joining the small group that formed. Everyone's head turned when we heard a commotion to our left. When I noticed Arawn running towards us anxiety surged through me. Pointing my finger at my brother I shouted, "Arawn Grey Lightwood, freeze!" He immediately froze where he was with the most pitiful eyes I had ever seen. "You will carefully hug me. Understand?" He nodded his head vigorously. "Okay, then come here." Without a second prompt he squeezed into the group and lifts me up. My arms went easily around his neck and flexed to relieve some of the stress of gravity. The Bear Brook pack members looked startled unaware of our relationship.
Uncaring about the world around him, Arawn scented me. "Max." My name was breathy mix with a sigh of relief. Finally he put me down and leaned his forehead to mine. "Never disappear on me again."
"I do not plan on being kidnapped again." I smiled while I rubbed my thumb on the back of his head.
"Good. Are you okay? Zane was right when he said you smelled hurt." He frowned. "You smell weird, not like us. And your hair is short."
I chuckled, "You sound just like Zane. I am sore, but fine. No need to worry about me anymore."
Arawn rolled his eyes. "I always worry about you. Why do you have a collar? How are you not freaking out?"
I shifted a little uncomfortably. "When I helped Zane they put the collar on and I try not to think about it. It was made for a male so it is loose on me."
"No one has taken it off yet?"
"It is made with silver and the clasp melted. We need a blacksmith."
I hummed before kissing his cheek and pulling out of his grasp. "Now, let me introduce you to some friends." I turned to the Bear Brook pack. "Arawn, some of the Bear Brook pack members: Beta Mordred, Theta Kyra, Theta Tom, Scout Sid, and Hunter Sionnah. Everyone, my brother Theta Arawn Lightwood."
He nodded at them as his cheeks reddened. "Hello, thank you for taking care of my sister."
"Shoon was the one who mostly looked after her." Mordred smiled. "She was a pleasure to travel with."
"It was no trouble, she was easy." Sionnah shrugged.
Arawn paused when he actually looked at the young Hunter. His cheeks deepened in color as he replied, "Still, thank you. I do not know what I would if something happened to her."
"Good to see siblings close." Mordred nodded. "Especially human and werewolf ones."
"I was not always one. I have only been a werewolf for..." He thought back.
"Seven months." I supplied.
Mordred looked surprised while Sionnah's mouth dropped. Mordred was the one to speak next, "You are well controlled for a fresh wolf."
"He learned it in the city, actually he has always been one to easily adapt." I smirked at my younger twin.
"You are far more controlled than me sister."
I could not help but snort. "I would not be in as much trouble as I am if I was controlled. I would be a proper lady."
"I can't picture you living in the city." My blonde friend shook her head.
"Believe it, we lived there for over ten years."
"Only your speech gives you away." Mordred commented.
"That I could not avoid." I shrugged. "Now if you do not mind, I shall excuse myself to go find something to eat. Enjoy the village and the company. Be a nice host Ar." I waved and laughed when Arawn pouted at me. I needed to breathe a little before my brother and Zane were glued to me like dried sap on a tree.
That night I stood outside my cottage, somehow managing to convince the pack I would be fine on my own. I had slept a few hours, but like most nights recently I could not stay asleep. Beatings and hangings haunted my dreams and forced me awake. This time around however I felt no urge to run, instead to find a quiet place to be alone. I was staring up at the waxing moon in only a heavy shift and my cloak. Two strong arms wrapped around me, one just below my shoulders and the my waist. I tensed for a moment before leaning into the wolf's warm body. "I was wondering when I would be seeing you." I whispered, not removing my eyes from the moon.
"I was watching over the training and Den while Corbin was in the village." Sindri's voice was low and his breath flowed over the collar and brushed my skin. I felt him growl at my strange scents that I had collected over the weeks. I leaned my head back on his shoulder to stare at the stars. "What happened, Macha?" I heard the concern in his voice but only shrugged. I felt my throat tighten and eyes begin to prick. "Please and don't feed me the bullshit you told Corbin. You wouldn't be out here if it was nothing like you make it out to be."
"You must promise not to get... mad." My voice barely above a whisper.
"I can't promise that. I'll probably get pissed, at least for a little while."
"Then get mad, but move on."
"I want this war to end with peace and it will not if hate and revenge guide us."
"Do they deserve us being merciful to them?"
I heard the years of hatred for the Hunters in his voice. "Yes. Not all are cruel and they deserve a second chance just like every wolf that has done wrong."
"And if they can't change their ways and kill wolves in cold blood?"
"Then they should be judge justly not out of hatred. Not with darkness in the heart of the judge and jury."
Sindri was quiet but with a sigh he said, "I will try."
I nodded. "Where do you want me to begin?"
"The beginning."
"We were kidnapped. Zane had been taken and I tried to save him but ended up being captured. We were bound, my wrists behind my back and Zane with his wrists and collar to prevent him from shifting. We traveled in the back of a wagon for a few days. My contact and I came up with a plan to help Zane escape."
"Your contact?"
"Yes, the person is a Hunter and I will not tell you who it is. I promised I would not. Less who knows, the safe the person is." He nodded and I continued. "That night I unbound us and took off Zane's collar. I kicked one of the guards looking after us and ran. Zane shifted and I told him to keep going no matter what and he did. While he got away I was tackled to the ground and then tied to a tree with my hands above my head." I felt tears start sliding down as I remembered everything. "I could barely touch the ground. The head hunter had me searched." Sindri tensed around me and hid his head further in my neck. "I was stripped down to my shift and my cloak." He started growling his displeasure. "Then they cut my hair so I could not hide anything in it." My hands went up to grip the arm going across my shoulder area. "From that night on I wore a collar, was kept away from the other villagers, walked like a city dog, barely fed, and beaten." His arms tightened around my but not hard enough to hurt. The pressure was comforting opposed to the way hugs felt suffocating. "Every night my arms were tied up. I was barely able to sleep. Everyday I walked shoeless and a rope leash was used to drag me further away from the village and closer to the city." I gave a broken chuckle. "We were about a week from the village and I did not think I could walk anymore. I thought being hung was bad, but that... that was a torture far worse than I wish on anyone. We were saved by the Bear Brook pack. It was during a break... I barely remember but I was strung up. My contact helped me down and passed me off to a wolf. Next I knew I was waking in Gwen Steady Back's hut with Sionnah. They cared for me and then we started back here. The walk back was far better. Even a human's skin can heal with little indication of what happened in the past." I unconsciously stroked my lips where a long cut once was. Neither of us spoke, rather I continued to lean on him looking up while Sindri hugged me with his face in the crook of my neck. I continued to silently cry, while he quietly growled out his anger. I do not remember when but I eventually fell back to sleep while standing. Sindri must have sensed me drifting because he never dropped me. Instead he easily picked me up in his arms and gently placed me back in my bed. Before leaving back to the Den he leaned down and kissed my forehead. I did not wake until morning, while he never went back to bed.
♠ ♠ ♠
She wasn't going to tell someone so soon, but Sindri...