And So He Bathed in the Blood of the Lepers

And So He Bathed in the Blood of the Lepers Alex Pardee was born in California, February 5, 1976. Pardee had a very rough childhood. He's quoted his childhood self telling a teacher to "fuck off". In 2008 he published his first official book titled Awful | Homesick, which is a collection of his favorite works from 2005 to 2008.

He's best known for his work for The Used. This includes the cover art for their CD's: In Love and Death, Berth, Lies for the Liars, and Shallow Believer. He also directed the videos "Take It Away", "Pretty Handsome Awkward", "I Caught Fire" and "All That I've Got".

Pardee's self-proclaimed influences include 1980s horror movies, graffiti and gangster rap. Artistically, he adored The Garbage Pail Kids and Tales from the Crypt. Also, his time spent visiting a mental institution and being on medication for 15 years has played as a large influence.

He is a member of the groups Cardboard City and Zerofriends, he uses Zerofriends to promote his merchandise. Using art he has overcome extreme anxiety disorders, depression, and other emotional struggles.

While working with The Used on Lies For The Liars a character named Chadam was created. Pardee ran with this idea is currently working on Chadam: The Movie.
The original Chadam story and the Sim Kim Papers can be found in Chadam's blog.

Alex Pardee is creative even when he's not trying.

"I'm a freelance illustrator, apparel designer, writer, and I do some other artsy stuffs, which includes loving movies. I have a HUGE pancreas. I like back pain. I draw. And kiss. And eat. All at the same time. I like you. Unless your name is Simon Birch. In that case, you are a frog. If I am not creating, I will die." The rest of his "official bio" can be read on his MySpace page.

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