Child's Name Taken To Court

Child's Name Taken To Court All around the world parents give their child weird and unusual names. Celebrities have named their children after fruit, places and other celebrities.

Recently in New Plymouth a couple has had their child taken away from them, and placed under temperamental government care whilst a suitable name is chosen, because a judge ruled that the name they had given their daughter would subject her to ridicule and bullying.
The girl, who had not had her birth officially registered in NZ, has not even revealed her name to her friends. Her parents have said that they wanted to teach her individuality and that they chose 'Talula Does The Hula From Hawaii' because it shows that she is unique.

Registrar General of births and deaths released a statement earlier in the week which said that a list of names said to be registered in New Zealand by Judge Boshier was incorrect. Some of the names, on the list, not registered were as follows Fish and Chips, Masport, Stallion, Keenan Got Lucy and Sex Fruit.

Names can be declined for registration if they are not suitable, if they cause offense, are too long (more than one-hundred characters) or if they resemble an official title. In the past names that include numbers have also been declined.

After this a lot of parents will be re-thinking their 'unique and individual' name choices.

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