Michael Jackson: During Life And After Death, Do We Have The Right?

Michael Jackson: During Life And After Death, Do We Have The Right? Michael Jackson, the King of Pop, recently passed away as most of you know. Rumors have been spread on his cause of death, people make snide remarks about his life and others praise the man as if he were a God. But to we have the right to judge all of this? Or are we, as always, trespassing on secrets we do not really know anything about?

There are people who are constantly insulting Jackson, calling him a child molester, a gay lord, and other shameful degrading things. While others praise him as if he were a saint, or rather a God.. Almost as if they were a cult joined to live for nothing more than this man.

Yes, he was and will always be the biggest pop sensation, yes he was a man who suffered a lot throughout his life.. Yet, does all this give us the right to have opinions about him and his private life.

We know nothing about him, he only know what the paparazzi and the media bring to light, but we all well know how these resources twist, and edit their information for more publicity. Proof of what I've mentioned, is how the boy that claimed Michael Jackson "molested" him as a child, is now saying it was all a lie conjured up by his ambitious father. So what if Jackson was really a saint? Yet we cannot call him saint, or preach his perfection or his innocence, because we just don't know.

We will never know, who Michael Jackson really is, and it sickens me to see the horrifying remarks made about him and it also sickens me the constant devotion to him as if he were God himself. I understand that many people love him, and i also understand that there are many people who hate him for unknown reasons or stupid reasons fed by the media and television. All I want to make clear, is that you will never know who this man truly was. Leave the mourning to the family and the criticizing to those who knew him best.

The only thing you can truly know, is that this man was a grand artists. Praise that, criticize that. That's all you know. Don't go hating on him for his life, the life you will never understand. Same thing for all other celebrities. Stop prying into their lives, what do you know?

You don't have the right to judge their lives or their personality.. Because you just don't know them. You have the right to judge their job, their talents because that's what we are here for, but for God's sake, leave their lives in peace, will you?

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