You're Really, Really Skinny... Ginny

You're Really, Really Skinny... Ginny Estimated, around the globe, 400 million copies of the Harry Potter series have been sold, which would lead to the safe assumption that either a few people keep losing copies of their books, or about 400 million people read Harry Potter. The books have been translated into 67 languages, and six movies have been made (another in production, and the final one in the works). Colleges offer Harry Potter related courses, revolving around simple discussion to philosophy laced through the books. A number of universities have quidditch teams, and host regular games of the sport. Hundreds, maybe thousands of Harry Potter related videos slink their way through the web, and either fall into anonymity, infamy, or total fame.

But, I have personally only heard of one musical based off of the series.

A Very Potter Musical is a comedy, a mash-up, if you would, of all the books. The characters are expanded upon, made fun of, and given additional quirks, but all stay true to the nature of which they were made.

The play begins, to a very emo Mr. Harry James Potter, apparently in the summer between his first and second years of Hogwarts. Quickly though, Harry is cheered up by his best friend, Ron Weasley, returning from a trip to buy "floo powder", and the two are off to Diagon Alley, where their boyish fun (and catchy song) is instantly ruined by none other than the nagging voice of Hermione Granger.

The play, which can be easily found at YouTube under the search of the play's title, continues on to summarize most of the important aspects of Hogwarts (Dumbledore, Voldemort, questioning the validity of the house of Hufflepuff, etc). Every scene has a good laugh (easily quotable, I might add) and a catchy song.

Not a fan of musicals?

Neither am I.

Not a fan of Harry Potter?

It's still hilarious if you know the basics of the plot (having seen the movies would suffice).

Not a fan of either?

Then why did you even read this?

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