Heroin: Why Do Young People Do It?

Heroin: Why Do Young People Do It? In the U.S it is in Schedule 1 of the Controlled Substances Act, in the U.K it is a Class A drug, but is available for prescription.

So, the question that is being asked is "Why do young people do it?" Essentially, I would put it down to the "glamour" that seems to surround it. People that young persons would idolize and look up to have taken it. Particularly young people, like teenagers, who are attempting to rebel against their parents for any possible reason ranging from really strict parents to a simple argument with their folks.

Another, perhaps more popular, reason for heroin usage or, more specifically, heroin overdose, would be a want to end their life. As it is a drug known to lead, often, to death in some form or another. This is not always the direct cause. Kurt Cobain attempted suicide using large quantities of heroin, Sid Vicious overdosed and died in his sleep because of heroin and Jimi Hendrix's death had a heavy role played by heroin.

In conclusion, there are many different reasons for why young people may take heroin, ranging from family problems, to being influenced by the appearance of "glamour", to depression and suicidal tendencies. I'm sure that it's different for each individual case, and in my opinion, the only real way to find out why someone is taking it is to talk to them about it, without passing a word of judgment.

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