Love Overcomes All Odds

  • fallenangel7

    fallenangel7 (100)

    United States
    "Well yesterday," he chuckled inferring he was still a trouble maker. "My brother and I used to work on cars, play music, a pick up game or two of hockey when it was too cold to race cars or ya know before we could legally drive, not like t hat stopped us. We just hung out. One time, I set Mrs. Cole's rosebed on fire with some firecrackers," he laughed softly at the memory. "Shawn took the blame for me...he was a really good brother," his voice softened and quieted when he mentioned Shawn. Missing him took his toll. "We mostly stayed on this side of town. There's a family down on the other side by where the country club and all of that is who used to be friends with my parents. One bad business deal and an election, and the whole town divided. It happened when I think Shawn was about four," he mentioned.

    "Don't worry, we'll just drive through Mr. Conner's cornfield," she winked before pulling out of the parking lot and heading down the road to her apartment. Biting her lip nervously, she was worried of what he would think of her place. It was a two bedroom apartment with a view of the river. She had a few plants on the balcony and two fake ones inside. Her home was warm and cozy with a comfy feel. Parking in her spot, she took the keys out of the engine and handed them to him. "She's all in one piece," her voice rang happily. Not wanting to depend on her father for money, she reminded herself that though this didn't compare to his palace, she paid for it all on her own. Leading him upstairs, she opened her door and tossed the keys onto her table holding a picture of her and her mom and a glass vase with a few roses that were still kickin from her last trip to the gardens in town.
    January 9th, 2015 at 03:11am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ fallenangel7
    Anita chuckled at his story. "That sounds great." She said and smiled as she thought about his childhood. She noticed him getting sad the longer he talked about it. Anita caressed his cheek. "Why does talking about this make you sad?" She asked softly and snuggled more into him looking up at him. He was so wonderful and she loved to hear him speak about him.
    Shawn chuckled and leaned back as they started toward her place. Once they pulled up to her place he got out with her and chuckled as she handed him the keys. "Good." He said and came up behind her hugging her as she unlocked the door. Shawn walked in with her. "Awe this is homey." He said and smirked. He kissed her neck. "I like it." Shawn followed her into the kitchen. "Can I help you make anything?"
    January 9th, 2015 at 04:08am
  • fallenangel7

    fallenangel7 (100)

    United States
    Jake shook his head and leaned down kissing her forehead softly. "Sometimes there are things you wish you could take back, but you can't," he whispered quietly. "Tell me more about your family thoug . Should I be waiting for your brother to come kick my ass for being this close to you?" Raising an eyebrow, he couldn't help but lean closer to her lips hovering over them.

    Roxy blushed and smiled as he did so making butterflies swarm inside of her. "I got it. You just relax," going over to him, she rested the tips of her fingers on his chest leaning into him. "I'm going to take a quick shower then make us something. You should go take a nap, because you didn't sleep, and you look tired," her sweet voice rang as she reached up and smoothed her thumb gently under his eye were a bag was starting to form.
    January 9th, 2015 at 04:18am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ fallenangel7
    Anita nodded and bit her lip. She understood regret a lot. Anita shook her head. "I don't think you need to worry about them. They don't leave Georgia." She said and sighed. She closed up not wanting to talk about it. Anita smiled up at him. "Well then Jake what do you do now to get into trouble?" She asked and chuckled.
    Shawn smiled and kissed her back before she hopped off. He smiled as he went to the couch and sat down. He yawned and laid down. He closed his eyes just going to rest for a moment but ended up falling asleep. He didn't realize when he slipped into his dream. Shawn looked like he wasn't sleeping peacefully.
    January 9th, 2015 at 04:40am
  • fallenangel7

    fallenangel7 (100)

    United States
    Smiling devilishly, he quickly flipped them over hovering above her. "So many things," leaning down to kiss her forehead, he murmured against her skin, "so many bad things." His lips created a trail from her nose to her cheek down her neck and across her chest making sure to not devluge into anything covered by her nightgown. "Do you trust me?" He asked softly. "I promise I won't won't touch anything I shouldn't unless we were married," holding his pinky out he gave her a sweet smile.

    Rpxy let her hair air dry allowing dark ringlets to form. Shaking out her long locks, she came out of her bedroom in a paor of loose fitting black sweatpants, a white vneck T-shirt, and a pair of fluffy white socks. Frowning when she saw Shawn looking worried in sleep, she sat besides him on the couch and rubbed his arm gently. "Shawn," she sang softly as she woke him up.
    January 9th, 2015 at 05:01am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ fallenangel7
    Anita's heart speed up as he flipped them over. She felt his lips trailing so gently over her skin. She licked her lips as his lips trailed over such delicate spots. Anita looked up into his eyes and nodded. "I trust you." She whispered and looked up into his eyes. Her hands rested on his arms as her stomach flipped. He sent chills and butterflys through her.
    Shawn woke with a start jumping up like he was ready to attack. He stood there a whike before looking at Roxy and frowning his body relaxing. "Sorry." He said and sat down trying to calm down. "How was your shower?" He asked and ran a hand through his hair.
    January 9th, 2015 at 06:05am
  • fallenangel7

    fallenangel7 (100)

    United States
    Jake smiled and gave her a long and tender kiss before looking into her eyes for just a moment. Sliding down on the bed, he lifted her shirt up just to her belly button looking back at her with each movement making sure she was OK. His lips began a trail of tender kisses from one hip to the other. Nibbling ever so slightly on her side, he let his tongue dip down to taste her sweet skin for a moment. Making one more trail back across her stomach he took his time with each kiss.

    Roxy frowned and gently let her nails run across his back drawing patterns and scratching in the middle by his shoulder blades hoping to soothe him a little. "It was fine. No need to apologize," she said softly as she kissed his temple and pulled him close letting him snuggle into her chest as she ran her fingers through his hair and continued her movements on his back with her other hand.
    January 9th, 2015 at 06:17am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ fallenangel7
    Anita was wearing some sweet little blue panties with lace on the top. Her breathing speed up and her eyes closed at the feel of his lips. She ran a hand into his hair. She gasped softly with every nibble. He was doing things to her she had never imagined were possible. "Jake." She whimpered. When he looked up at her she pulled him up to her lips. She looked into his eyes and gently pressed a kiss to his lips. She brushed their lips together so gently her arms wrapping around his neck and she kissed him so softly once more before pulling back. "I... I need to tell you something." She said softly her voice shaking slightly. "I'm a virgin. I have never been like this with anyone." She said trying not to think of her family.
    Shawn sighed and leaned into her resting his eyes as she soothed him. "The things I saw..." he shuddered as he thought about it wrapping his arms around her. He never wanted to think about it again, he never wanted to go back. Shawn looked up at her and kissed her skin gently.
    January 9th, 2015 at 06:29am
  • fallenangel7

    fallenangel7 (100)

    United States
    Jake smiled softly as realization dawned on him. "I don't want to pressure you into anything you don't want to do. You call the shots, darling. Just know that no matter what you chose, I will only adore you more," his deep voice mumbled against her lips as his eyes locked with hers.

    Roxy gave him a sad smile and took his face gently into her hands. "You aren't there anymore. You're here with me and all of the people in this town who love you. The things you saw must be more terrible than I can imagine, but now, all the things you have to see here are beautiful like the wild flowers, the river, the ssunsets," she said sweetly as she placed a tender kiss on his lips before holding him close once more as she was.
    January 9th, 2015 at 06:36am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ fallenangel7
    Anita smiled softly. She pulled her lips back a little. "I'm not ready." She whispered and ran her hands down his arms. "But this is nice." Anita said her hands holding his strong arms as she sweetly brought her lips so gently to his. She only gave small kisses her head resting against his. Anita was so small beneath him and she was so tender but she still seemed to glow with a hidden intensity.
    Shawn sighed as he relaxed against her slowly. His eyes closed and he hugged her to his chest. "Thank you." He said softly. Shawn pulled back and stood taking her hand and hugging her before letting her go. "That is why I don't sleep around people." He said and sighed. "Let's make you some food." He said wanting to change the subject.
    January 9th, 2015 at 05:18pm
  • fallenangel7

    fallenangel7 (100)

    United States
    Jake smiled softly against her lips and kissed her back each time. He loved the feeling of her hands on his arms; it drove him wild. Keeping his promise not to place his own hands anywhere that wasn't proper, his large paw began to run from just below here hip to underneath her Breast making sure not to touch it. "This is really nice," he agreed letting his hand linger at times as he continued to let it run up and down her slender length.

    Roxy smiled softly as she hugged him back. Leading him to the kitchen, she poured them some orange juice before grabbing pots and pans to make a traditional country breakfast of biskets and gravy with eggs and bacon. Here sweet voice sang quietly as she did so changing to a hum every so often.
    January 10th, 2015 at 03:16am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ fallenangel7
    Anita felt like her heart was going to jump out of her chest. Anita breathed hard and every once in a while a soft moan would slip out like another quiet breath. Jake had pushed her nightgown all the way up so it only covered her breasts but no matter how inappropriate it looked she didn't care. His rough hands felt so wonderful with the softest touch she had ever felt. Anita bit her lip and closed her eyes as she ran her hands up his shoulders. She arched slightly as his hands came up and she relaxed as his hands went down. She looked up into his beautiful blue eyes and kissed him deeper. It was then she realized that she really didn't know how to kiss. "Jake..." Anita whispered looking ip at him so glad now that the lights were on keeping them from going to far. "Jake kiss me... Kiss me like I have never been kissed before." She whispered breathlessly.
    Shawn smiled sipping his orange juice slowly as he watched her move around. She was so sexy cooking and singing in her sweet little voice. "Roxy... why did you want me to take you? You know before we even got to my place?" He asked and chuckled. He knew how stupid it sounded but he had to know why she was doing this and what she wanted out of this. Shawn smiled softly at her wondering if this was just for the sex. He wouldn't mind but he would need to take a step back.
    January 10th, 2015 at 09:18pm
  • fallenangel7

    fallenangel7 (100)

    United States
    Jake took a deep breath has he pulled back and trued to control himself. He looked into her sweet eyes and smiled when he saw her reaction. Leaning down, he slowly presses his lips to hers. Moving them against her soft ones, he gripped her bare side and pulled her lower lip gently between his teeth sucking on it gently before kissing her deeply once more. "How's that, darlin?" His deep voice rumbled quietly against her lips.

    Roxy blushed at his question before she slid their breakfast onto two plates and brought them over to the island in her kitchen he was sitting at. "Well...I one's ever made me feel that way before," she said slowly and carefully not wanting to ruin her chances with him. "I..I mean, if you don't want anything that's fine...I just...ya," she stuttered and stumbled as she tried to admit that her gave her butterflies though she didn't want to scare him away. Last time she told someone she loved them, they left her broken and alone.
    January 10th, 2015 at 10:14pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ fallenangel7
    Anita watched him get control of himself and waited. As he kissed her her eyes closed and she kissed him back gasping softly as he took her lip into his mouth. She grabbed onto him as she felt his hands on her. She breathed hard as hepulled away. "You're the first person I have been kissed by." She said softly. She had nevwr french kissed anyone but she knew about it and wanted to try it. She felt weak in his hands wanting more but knowing she wasn't ready.
    Shawn smiled and brought her around to him. He kissed her. "Ya know that didn't really answer my question but it answered a nother one that I had." He said and rubned her side. "Let's eat." He said and smiled happily. "Mmm." He said as he took his first bite.
    January 11th, 2015 at 12:19am
  • fallenangel7

    fallenangel7 (100)

    United States
    "It is truly a pleasure to have that honor," he whispered softly against her lips as his eyes locked with hers. Jake smiled happily before he began kissing her again tenderly letting his tongue dance gracefully on her lips. Knowing he was the first one she let in made his heart soar with happiness. His arms tightened around her waist as he hugged her close and rolled them over letting her be on top.

    Roxy laughed softly as the blush stayed on her cheeks as she kissed him back. She hopped up on the barstool next to him and smiled at his reaction. "What question did I give you an answer to if I may be so bold to ask? And ya like it?" Her sweet voice rang as she looked over at him curiously.
    January 11th, 2015 at 01:35am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ fallenangel7
    Anita blushed and smiked. As his lips returned to hers she arched feeling his arms encasing her. His tongue dipped into her mouth meeting her own as his expert lips taught hers. She gasped as he rolled them over her hands landing on his chest. She felt him beneith her and shuddered. It was a strange and yet exlirating sensation. She kissed him deeper. The longer they kissed the less skitish she became. Anita pulldd back after a while looking down at him her hair cascading in little ringlets down the side of her face. She blushed and nussled her nose into a tender spot on his neck. Anita then moved her lips gently to that spot and kissed sweetly her lips tracing across his skin as her hands ran up his chest to his shoulders her body shaking with desire she didn't understand. Her teeth suddenly scrapped acriss his skin pulling some of it into her mouth before she let go gasping slightly at the sensations she was feeling. She kissed the spot gently before pulling back and looking at him. She blushed and pulled away all together her nightgown falling back over her body as she paced. "I'm sorry." She said and ran a hand through her hair shaking. She stood in front of the wi dow looking out. A bit of her self had escaped there but it was almost as if she was afraid of the power inside of her.
    Shawn grinned and took another bite. "What you want." He answered breifly. He knew better now what she wanted and he was glad for it. He smirked and nodded as she asked if he liked it. "You are an exceptional cook." He said and winked.
    January 11th, 2015 at 01:50am
  • fallenangel7

    fallenangel7 (100)

    United States
    Jake just stared at her in awe as she stood by the window. His body and mind were still trying to register what happened. She literally blew him away, and at that moment, he knew he had fallen in love. Slowly getting up, collecting his thoughts, and relaxing his body, he went over to her without a word and took her hand leading her back to the bed. Laying down he gently tugged her back down with him and held her close snuggling her into his side with an iron grip not letting go. He made sure she Nuzzled right up to that same tender spot on his neck and just laid there with her speehlessly. After a few moments, he found his voice. "Don't apologize. Just....just lay here with me for a while...'Kay?" He asked softly on a dazed yet happy voice.

    "Well thank you. I appreciate that," she said sweetly as she took a bite of her breakfast. Biting her lip nervously as she played with her food, she wanted to know what he was thinking. Something about Shawn drove her mad inside making butterflies fly around at every moment he touched or looked at her. " it what you want?" Her voice was so quiet that she wondered if he even heard her. Closing her eyes, she wished she hadn't asked. He probably would sag no just like the last, and now she messed up a great fuck buddy relationship on top of that.
    January 11th, 2015 at 02:01am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ fallenangel7
    Anita looked at him as he took her hand. She fell into bed with him closing her eyes as her nose snuggled back into that place. She nodded as he spoke softly. He had her all messed up inside and yet she was happier than she had been ever since she could remember. Before she knew it Anita was falling asleep. Her eyes fluttered with sleeo as her breathing slowed. Anita clung to him in her sleep making it obvious that he was staying right there. She was all snuggled into him looking like an angel.
    Shawn looked over at her and cupped her cheek. "I'm willing to give it a try if you are." He said and kissed her forehead. She looked so nervous he wondered what had happened to her to make her so upset. He kissed her nise and then her lios gently before returning to his food, he grinned knowingly. Somehow he knew he had made her happy and that made him happy.
    January 11th, 2015 at 02:12am
  • fallenangel7

    fallenangel7 (100)

    United States
    Jake smiled softly and held her close. He hummed quietly as he gazed down at her. She was a true beauty. Maybe if he could convince her to stay, he could fall asleep like this more often.

    Roxy smiled happily, "I'd like that. Come on, you didn't sleep a lot during your nap." After they finished, she put their plates in the sink. Remembering what he said, she turned to face him resting her hands on his chest as she looked up into his eyes. "I know what you said earlier. I have an extra bed, but I also don't mind if you stay with me. Need someone to chase away the bad dreams right?" She asked softky
    January 11th, 2015 at 02:57am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ fallenangel7
    Anita woke in the morning with a yawn. She stretched and snuggled into the body beside her before realizing. Anita sat straight up and gasped. She looked down at him turning bright red. What were people going to think? She was so embarrassed that she had just fallen asleep without thinking. But Jake made her feel so safe, so wonderful. Anita bit her lip and laid down again. "I am sorry." She whispered.
    Shawn frowned and hughed her close. "I would love to stay with you but I don't want to hurt you. I don't always wake up like that. It could be much worse." He said and cupped her cheek. He wouldn't forgive himself if he let a mark on her pretty face because of a stupid nightmare.
    January 11th, 2015 at 01:20pm