Eggplanthing / Comments

  • I don't understand you. Why are you so bent on love? Love this and love that. Love is a hateful emotion. It tears at your very being, undoes what you have taken so long to wind. It burns within us a fire that chars our skin and makes us ache. How can one connect the way writing is to how love is? You should never feel you'd be executed for your work. Writing is who we are and if people can't accept it then don't let them tear you down. You are a person and you have just as much right to do whatever you want if it makes you happy. It's what comes with this country! You cannot ever, EVER let yourself be ripped apart. They will come, they will tear the flesh from your bones but in the end, you will need to be strong, be fearless and be solid. If you cannot do that, you cannot be a writer.

    Sorry that was a real mean post but I am so angry at the concept of love right now. I cant stand it. I know you're you and you really love love but just..bare with me for a while.
    October 28th, 2010 at 04:11am
  • Exactly! Writing is a way to free that which has been caged. It's a way to bring out what we are, who we are, and much like music, it allows us to do whatever we want. It let's us be a person we arent, it lets us go on adventures we will never face. I hope that someday, I will be able to write a piece that makes people ache as I ache. I want them to feel as I feel. Lonliness is an awful enemy and I know some people dont know it but they should. If they cannot feel lonely truely, then to capture that feeling, that raw, empty feeling, that comes with being unwanted... Garg depression.
    October 27th, 2010 at 04:18am
  • We can do the writing one. I like the writing one too! I just think the other ones make good pictures. Like the dirty hands one. It seems like a line from a movie or a book. Actually, I hope to use all my quotes in a book some day. Not all at once of course, just a few. Like the writing one. It's more of a life moto. I mean, without writing, how can we ever feel anything? I know how we can feel but...What if you're like me and never have someone be head over heels in love with you? I mean, it's nice to be reminded that there are people like that out there.

    I kinda just pulled that out of my ass. The real reason I said it was because I gave up writing one time. It hurt to not write. It was like I was empty. I realized that without writing, without communicating either to the paper or to thousands of people who may never read it, I'm so alone. Writing is a way for me to express who I am. It's a way for me to keep breathing. I have come to be so attached to words, to the fiction that the reality is too overbearing, too hurtful and over all, too consuming. To sit in the silence and stare at nothing is just....I can't stand it. I cant stand having to look at something and stop my brain from making a scene in my head.

    I'm sure you feel (somewhat) the same way. Writers are all alike; they know misery (to some extent), they write because they can't live with out it, and they don't write the words, the words flow. It may be different because you're a poet rather than a novelist but I think writing is writing no matter how you decorate it.
    October 23rd, 2010 at 12:15am
  • Okay, So what do we want to talk about with the writing one? I was hoping you'd pick one of the other ones. They make me happy. All of my quotes are interesting. You'd like some of them. They're actually very depressing so we'll never speak of that. Writing!
    October 22nd, 2010 at 04:03am
  • I don't know how to show you my cool pictures other than on Facebook, but yeah. If you want, we can be "Facebook buddies". And stuff. You actually made me say a few quotes that I have to make banners for. I have a list of them and I would love to just make pictures of them but they just don't move onto pictures the way I make them go onto the pictures.

    I have decided how to choose a topic. Pick one: A)Writing is a way of connecting your thoughts to the rest of the world. B)everyone has their weakness and weaknesses are like diseases. They spread through you and numb you. They take control. And in those moments when your weakness runs you, you lose grip. C)Dirty hands aren't always hands of a sinner.

    All are "Secret" Quotes =]]
    October 22nd, 2010 at 03:45am
  • You're a strange young man, Russel, if that is your real name. *shifty eyes* do you feel abouttt urm....I should show you my "[insert real name] Quotes". They're really philosophical and stuff. You'd like them too.
    October 22nd, 2010 at 02:45am
  • Mhmm. it's cool. Good guess haha =]] How is you doinng? Whatcha doing? How is your day going? I dont know what to talk about and our little paragraphs have shrunk toooooo sentences that are very unexciting.
    October 22nd, 2010 at 02:16am
  • Just because that story had the name doesnt mean it's my name. It's a fairly common name...
    October 22nd, 2010 at 01:58am
  • See, that's weird cause I don't remember you and I usually remember unnecessary things. Well! I'm glad I'm here so I can read your awesomeeee poemsss!
    October 21st, 2010 at 01:42pm
  • So if you can't realize, I kinda stink at reading sometimes and I thought you said some stuffs and it wasnt even mentioned in the thing and it wasnt my fault, really. I just...I seriously only have one joint story from that site and this one and that's the "You Fill My Sails With Your Wasted Breath" which is wasting breath just saying that but none the less, it's only that one...
    October 21st, 2010 at 03:42am
  • PFF Half are not on here. Only the newest one. The Angel one which is awesome cause I love that story a lot...ANYWAY! What was your username there? Hrmph...I figured it was from Quizilla.
    October 21st, 2010 at 03:32am
  • Garlic? Are you secretly Edward Cullen? Haha none the less, it was a good poem. I would say more but I'm more concerned about how you knew my name. Please tell me?
    October 21st, 2010 at 03:17am
  • maybe you knew me before? I do like to be all over the place..oh well. Your new poem was great! I'm so happy you picked something new! Though, it was a little bit of a worry to see THAT as your new topic. I hope you're not..upset or whatever and I hope you write happier poems! :) GOOD JOB NONE THE LESS!!!
    October 20th, 2010 at 12:41pm
  • You have a guess on my real name? Would you like to know more about me so I'm not so much a secret? That's weird...I've never been that secret person before. WWOOOOOO! Sorry, I get excited about being new things. It's a really good movie/song. It's so awesome haha. It'll make you laugh, cry, sing, smile, go "awwww", say "DAMN IT!" and everything
    October 20th, 2010 at 02:12am
  • so overrated haha. Anyway, it seems to suit you; love that is. It would be an honor to know the girl who is lucky enough to have you as a suitor. Hrm, now that we've established the fact that you love and love to be in love--actually, I dont know if I should tell you...meh whateveer! No harm. There's a movie called the Moulin Rouge. I dont know if you've heard of it or have ever seen it. It's kind of risque but that's alright. It's not too bad. Anyway, it's about this English writer (Ewan McGregor [i'm not sure if you know who that is]) and he goes to Paris to get a taste of the Bohemian Revolution. He falls in love with a well..she's technically a prostitute (Nicole Kidman is her actually) but she has a fancier name that I can't spell cause I cant spell for jack squat. Anyway! The movie is about love overcoming all things. It kinda makes me think of you. Actually, this one song makes me think of you. If you dont want to go watch the movie, look up the song "Elephant Love Medley". It really kinda screams you haha.
    October 18th, 2010 at 11:50pm
  • Hahaha good to know I'd be a close second to a guy who's wicked cool. :] Anyway, you're right. People don't seem to think for themselves. They only seem to want to go along with the crowd. They dont feel what they want anymore. They just want someone to tell them how to feel and be done with it.
    October 18th, 2010 at 12:19am
  • I hate the way the world is today. It's a terrible thing. I really can't even talk about it anymore. Most guys are so dumb it's pointless. I can't stomach the idea that people think sleeping with dozens of people really mean love. I dont understand how they think that just because they can get a random person to go home with them at night, they have someone who wants them...You're very optimistic about love, it's so odd. I can't find another guy who is like that. It was a nice essay, haha, and it made good points. ^_^ I'm glad someone agrees with me.
    October 16th, 2010 at 06:09pm
  • Well the way I see it, if a guy was really like a character in a book, he'd have to be an asshole (pardon my swearing), an idiot, or a best friend who secretly loves the protagonist. How often do you see someone who is a best friend who secretly loves a girl? Option A is the most frequent case but more often than not, the guy STAYS an asshole and wont change no matter what the girl does. It's pointless to want something that happens in novels because they dont accurately portray the people of the world. No one thinks Romantically anymore. They think more contemporary as opposed to when the ways of chivalry and honor were important! Now it's all about who has a bigger gun, who can get more hookers and how sweaty you can get on a dancefloor. It's disgusting and the male population has become nothing more than slobbering pigs. They used to be great! Look at the Spartans and Athenians! Not to mention the royal knights in the Imperial army! Men of worth are born in places where they are forced to take responsibility. When faced with the constant reminder that they may have to end their own life or someone elses for the sake of their country, THAT is when men are men. Not when they have sex, not when they drink, not when they get married. Men are true males of worth when they have a reason for living other than themselves. When they can give up all that they are for someone else, no matter who it is, that is a man of worth.

    Sorry about that. That was my rant about guys....
    October 15th, 2010 at 05:49am
  • PFFFF there's nothing fake about the heart I put into thanking someone for thanking me for thanking them for thanking me. I dont know, man. Guys...guys are just so confusing haha. I wish guys could be like they were in novels but then again, that'd be much too cliche. I could give anyone the best relationship advice in the world but I would not know what to do if I guy told me he liked me. In all my years, which are only seventeen but still, I have yet to find a guy who likes me. So I'm pretty sure I'll be like 30 when that happens and I'll be too far out of the game to really know what I'm doing. Ugh, relationships are just...rough for me.
    October 15th, 2010 at 04:52am
  • Aweee but the thank you for thanking me for thanking you thing is fun! Look, talk all you want about this girl. I know I wish I had someone to talk about the guy I like with. To express yourself is the best thing to do.
    October 14th, 2010 at 07:11pm