How To Save A Life

Axel is not like most kids his age. He may act like a lot of them; staying out too late and partying, but in all reality, he isn’t like them at all. He recently came out to his parents; one jumped on the earliest flight out of town and plans to be away for a year, the other having locked themselves away before finally coming to terms with it.
Because of how he was raised he doesn’t believe in love, or hope. He’s stumbling through life uncertain of what, or who he wants, is, and/or is missing. Now it is up to Axel to find a way to make it in this life, and maybe save himself and those he loves along the way.
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Jules was never the it kid. Never really fit in, and was never given the chance. His grandma always moved him when she heard someone remark about his sexuality. Regardless of if he had friends and wanted to stay or not.
A lost mother, teased as a kid, and a over protective grandma have molded Jules into the person he is today; like it or not. He is defined by his disorder, and has been forced to attend the institutional school with others, some like him, some not.
Maybe he needs saving. Or maybe he just needs a break.

Main Characters:


We do not own the pictures of any of the characters. Me and Kaytee found them on the computer. However, we own the storyline and the characters. Do not take our stuff. Period. Or We will eat you. :]
  1. Mother Dearest
    All I had was an open sea tucked into a dark long tunnel. And that light up ahead… I had a sinking feeling that it was a frat train; coming to take away what little I have left.
  2. Closer To The Light
    I hated this; the questions and the forced answers. What I had to do in order to make sure that I could pee without someone’s ear pressed to the door, and take a pain killer without someone counting the bottle before and after I’ve had some.
  3. The Longer My Shadow
    No! I don’t have time for this. I’m not going to be here for the rest of my life. I want to go home. This place is shit total and complete shit.
  4. Hell Sweet Hell
    The kids here weren’t bad, and the nurses were okay. If I was straight the girls alone would have made it feel like heaven. Or maybe just a pleasant hell.
  5. My Trip To Hell
    If I mention my hatred for that woman, I knew he'd bring it all back to my 'problem' or 'illness' as it was now being referred to. "I just don't like the name. I prefer Jules."
  6. Pill Popper
    No one notices me unless they look hard, and then I stand out; you can always find me. But look how lonely I am. I’m so lonely. Wont you pretty please give me a friend.
  7. New Kid On The Block
    I could handle a couple of taunts every now again, because I was settled. But no. As soon as Nona heard an idiot remark about my sexuality, it was bye bye school, bye bye friends.
  8. Welcome Back
    ...I was wondering what happened. When did we all become so lost in our habits that is became a disease to others? To us it was just coping. How could it have gotten so far out of hand?
  9. The Beast
    A beast does not know he is a best, and the closer a man gets to the beast the less he knows it... All I knew for sure was if for some reason I was becoming a beast, I knew nothing about it.
  10. Audrey's Secret
    By the time we had met up with the rest of the kids going on the outing I all but forgot my worries. That is until I saw Audrey’s face, red and splotched with tears.
  11. Shot In The Dark
    Everyone was doing something, talking to someone, hanging out with their friends. Because I don’t have any friends here, and because I had decided to skip lunch all together, I was left alone.
  12. Meeting The Gang
    But that was a little unsettling in itself; why did he want me to go with him and his friends on an outing anyway?
  13. Axel's First Love
    I couldn’t help but blink back surprise. But then again, looking at them now, it seemed kind of obvious that something had gone on between them.